Tag Archives: west hollywood

Zinc Melrose Brings Homey Vegetarian Comfort to a Trendy Melrose Neighborhood

If you live in Hollywood, you probably know the split personality that is Melrose Avenue. East of Fairfax are the trendy, skater, streetwear brands, or the hipster trader outpost. These seem to be mostly inspired by the de facto performing arts highschool on the corner of Fairfax on Melrose that boasts a huge Flea Market just about every weekend. 

From Fairfax to La Cienega, the age and income brackets start to rise as you pass more skin care brands, galleries, the famous Glossier building and the infamous Pink wall. The eats become more trendy and the “LA” of it all begins to kick in. Whether it’s arguing about getting tar-tar at Catch Steak or trying to get a table at EP&LP, there’s no turning back, you are decidedly in the thick of it. 

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